Student FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions by students of Penticton Secondary Schools.
You asked, we answered!
What if I am not 100% sure that I am going on?
- Take an envelope home so that you can think about it and talk it over with your family.
- Return the completed form if you decide to go on, or the uncompleted form if you
decided you’re not. - Either way, please return the package by the due date.
What if my parents are divorced and I can’t get information from one of them?
Just let the Foundation know this on the application form.
My parents live elsewhere—how can they sign the form?
Please send the first page to them electronically, have them sign it and return it to you so that you can submit it with your application form.
When will I learn that I have received an award?
In late spring, a list of recipients will be posted in the counseling office. If your post-grad plans have changed or you think you’ve been missed, please notify a counselor at this time. Otherwise, students will receive their awards during the grad ceremony.
When will I get the award money?
Money will be disbursed after October 1st once the committee receives all the necessary documents as explained on the website in the “Request for Funds”.
What if I took AP courses and received college credit? What if I upgrade?
The Foundation has no awards that pay for high school courses.
What’s the difference between a scholarship and a bursary?
A scholarship focuses on academic performance, whereas a bursary focuses on financial need.
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We acknowledge that Penticton, where we live, work and play is on the traditional lands of the Syilx People in the Okanagan Nation.
Quick Links
Foundation Office
Located in Penticton Secondary School's Main Office: 158 Eckhardt Ave E, Penticton, BC V2A 1Z2
Email the Foundation
Clerical support is provided through SD 67 board office staff.
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